1. Summer Camp registration has started! If you are still interested, please email either CI Li A or D. More information can also be found at the following links:

    Information on Available Summer Courses can be found at: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/cadets-junior-canadian-rangers/cadets/summer-training.html 

    To participate in OVERNIGHT CTC Summer Courses, Cadets must be “Fully Vaccinated” (Minimum 2 Doses). If you are not fully vaccinated 2 weeks prior to your course, you will not be able to attend your course. More information on Vaccination requirements can be found at: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/cadets-junior-canadian-rangers/cadets/summer-training/summer2022/summer2022-vaccine-policy.html

  2. The year end Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) will be on June 1st Wednesday at McMath Secondary School. Make sure to mark it on your calendar!

  3. Range is now open to all cadets levels 1-4. Please sign up with FSgt Zahir if you wish to participate. Please note that there is currently a waiting list of a few weeks due to the capacity restrictions of the R&G Club.

  4. Band is taking place every Tuesday from 6:30-8:30pm at Homma Elementary School, if you are interested in joining, please email Sgt Chan.

  5. Follow our 609 Steveston Squadron social medias to stay connected!

Squadron activities have concluded for the summer. The training program will resume in September.